lördag, juni 30, 2018

Race to the Stars #2


... that Don Trump has asked his administration to investigate the large-scale economic development of the moon. His NASA plans abandons the International Space Station but put $150 mil. in "to encourage development of new commercial low-Earth orbital platforms and capabilities for use by the private sector and NASA". And his Space Policy Directive 1 of December '17 calls Murican Astronauts back to duty on Moon' s soil.

It's not the Donald only, though, reminds an article on Newatlas, as "the US government updated its commercial space legislation in late 2015 to allow for the exploitation of "space resources." : the SPACE Act.(...) It explicitly allows for US citizens to commercially explore and gather off-Earth resource"

This goes in contradiction with the Moon Treaty of 1979, who said that the Moon was off-limits for private or commercial ownership, but which was *not ratified* by the USA.
Thus the USA are only bound to the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 (2 years before the USA set foot on the satellite), which prohibits any *state* from owning the Moon, or any off-planet natural asset.
Other countries are in for the race, starting with Asteroid Mining.

Unfortunately, Drump has also upped the ante in the militarization of space after he called for a Space Force that would go beyond the current Air Force's Space command. The use of such a force has not been explained, but it could go beyond the limits of what the Outer Space Treaty implements or sneak past them.


Anonymous Chatonmagique said...

Je ne peux pas faire une commentaire sur le main page donc je fais iciiii.ça fait longtemps que tu n'as pas fait une petite blog entry. Je t'ecrire ici pour te motiver :) je t'aime mon choupi t'es toute ma vie

4:19 em  

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